Institutional investors require portfolios that are tailored to their goals, cost-effective and deliver strong returns with controlled risk. As a company with multi-asset capability and a fiduciary mindset, our investment professionals can help our clients to invest optimally, with a wider mission to change the way the investment industry operates.

Our client base includes a diverse range of institutional investors, including pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds, government funds, wealth management companies, endowments and foundations. The success of our business depends critically on our ability to help our clients succeed, and to achieve and maintain a competitive edge.

Our solutions comprise:

Delegated investment (Outsourced Chief Investment Officer): The team designs solutions to enable clients to delegate responsibility for implementing asset strategies, while retaining strategic control and decision making in areas where they add most value. Our solutions contain our best investment ideas, underpinned by extensive research and robust implementation. We manage over $180 billion of delegated assets around the world (as at June 2021), seeking to deliver lower risk, and/or higher returns.

Funds and Strategies: We manage specialist portfolios for our clients applying an open architecture approach to alternatives, illiquid assets, credit, secure income assets and equities. We have also created a small number of pooled funds which help our clients invest in capital markets and managers that may be otherwise difficult to access or might be too expensive. Advisory Investment Services: We advise on critical asset-owner responsibilities, including mission and beliefs, risk management plans, asset allocations and risk budgets, portfolio construction and selection of third-party asset managers.

Our Manager Research team specializes in finding, researching and monitoring asset management firms that we believe are among the best in the world, covering a wide range of mainstream and alternative asset classes. Innovation permeates our culture. We strive to consistently and proactively bring our best and innovative ideas and opportunities to our clients, drawn from our extensive worldwide practice and our dedicated.